UConn in the Media
On being the first legal advocate to testify in court on behalf of an abused animal:
“It showed the animals do have a voice.”
Taylor Hansen, UConn Law student, in Smithsonian, June 6, 2017
On comparing measures each state is taking to prevent sudden death in school sports:
“If these rankings can get more kids home for dinner instead of to a hospital or morgue, then we have succeeded.”
Douglas Casa, director of UConn's Korey Stringer Institute, in The New York Times, Aug. 8, 2017
On getting breast cancer from street lights:
“Electric light is one of the signature inventions of an inventive species. But its overuse has caused an obliteration of night in much of the modern world. The loss of night has consequences for all forms of life, including us. And the mounting evidence for a connection to breast cancer is alarming.”
Richard G. Stevens, professor of community medicine and health care, in The Associated Press, Aug. 18, 2017
On removing Confederate statues:
“These Civil War monuments are not historical artifacts. They were primarily erected during the Jim Crow era to reestablish the historical social order in the face of Blacks attempting to gain equal rights.”
Monnica T. Williams, associate professor of psychological sciences, in Psychology Today, Aug. 17, 2017
On why most of us should just drink water to rehydrate:
“Virtually no studies have shown benefits of sport drinks or carbohydrate-containing beverages unless you're exercising continuously for more than 50 or 60 minutes.”
Lawrence Armstrong, director of UConn's Human Performance Laboratory, in Time, July 26, 2017
On why drivers in Europe are nicer:
“The philosophy that emanated from the U.S. was that we needed to separate people and machines, which gives priority to vehicles and makes the environment less friendly for people.”
Norman Garrick, associate professor of engineering, in The Guardian, May 24, 2017
On the UConn Hartford campus moving from West Hartford to downtown Hartford:
“I think it's true of Connecticut that we have not always cared for our cities. Those days are over.”
Dannel Malloy, governor of Connecticut, in the Wall Street Journal, Aug. 23, 2017
“The campus is going to connect parts of Hartford that have been disconnected for many years, and I think it's a critical piece of the puzzle to making our city the vibrant, active downtown that we all want it to be.”
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