3 Books
Eva Lefkowitz is the new head of the Human Development and Family Studies department, having recently moved to UConn after 18 years at Penn State. She says she does her reading via hard copy (bedtime, beach time) and listening to audiobooks (while driving, walking, or exercising).

Just finished:
The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
One of those books I always meant to read and finally did when it got assigned at my book club. I loved it. It looks at the Bible from the perspective of Dinah and the other women. It was particularly interesting to read around Passover when you're reading the Haggadah. Same stories. Very different perspectives.

Currently reading:
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
I read a lot of YA [young adult], because I have middle schoolers and because my research is on young people and sexuality. I think this book is amazing. So much about race and class. The dialogue is very well written. Even though it's about someone whose experience is vastly different from mine, I feel like I can totally relate to the character.

On deck:
Heroes of the Frontier by Dave Eggers
I don't know much about this book, but I love this author so want to read his latest. He's around my age so I tend to identify with his characters and circumstances. And I love the way he writes about families and relationships; it's funny, sometimes satirical and over the top, but it also feels real.

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